
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Why become a member?
    To help make a difference in the lives of young people and to become actively involved in community service.
  2. Benefits of membership
    By becoming a member of BACE you help fulfill the organization’s purpose, promoting an awareness of the African American culture and the appreciation of the African American heritage by engaging in charitable, benevolent, patriotic, employment-related, and educational activities.
  3. How to become a member
    Complete and submit a Membership Application.
  4. Dues
    Dues are $10 annually, with a preference to join during our membership drive each January.  

Annual duesPay using
$10.00[wpecpp name=”Membership (January-December)” price=”10.00″ align=”left”]

The Board of Directors may provide for increased dues or special assessments, subject to ratification by a majority of the membership at a meeting of the members of BACE.

Black American Comptroller Employees Association, Inc.